I have not "said" anything for quite a while...
You see it almost everywhere. Shameless self-promotion. It is like most or a majority of people have this need built inside them. Is it a flaw, I don't really know. I observe it in some people and it can be attractive or endearing, but in others it is annoying and repulsive. It most likely says something more about the observer than the observed I am sure. From professional athletes, movie stars, authors and bloggers. You just cannot get away from it.
My reason/s for blogging or writing anything down is for me. I could care less if anyone else reads it, ever. I actually mean that..
It is not that I do not have anything to say. I just have nothing to say to anyone specifically. If it speaks to you, fine, but if it does not,then that is fine with me as well. Of course I think I am right most of the time or I would not write it down. I also absorb other opinions along the way and that is what generates what has lead up to the current thought process. And if you happen to know me, then you may get some of the credit for those thought processes. In a way, if you don't agree or hate what is being said, then it is ((you)) to blame or I give due credit to as to what poor influences you have had on me..
I can say this tongue in cheek of course. If you were to say," I don't agree" then my response is, then you are/were not convincing enough to change my opinion or you were very poor at communicating a better point/thought or I would embrace it more. I do take the "me" factor into account and have changed my now very opened mind. I will admit when I am wrong and that is the best part as You get kudos for that if you helped play out that part in having the influence.
Imagine all the people that make up the influence on me, I have. From parents to pastors to old friends. Hats off to you for making a me what I am by your influence. If you don't like it, you can only blame yourself, but I am ok with me. Yeah I wish and hope for some different things about me, but I don't think that they will come to fruition.