Saturday, June 06, 2009

What are Friends For??

Have you ever pondered about "My Brother's Keeper" and what that really means? I sure have, but it has always been from the perspective of "big brother" or one that holds the other accountable in some form or fashion. Of course the church authority has taken it way to far and instituted confessions and the like early on in history, to public condemning and even death as the ultimate keeper of faith. Today it is not much different, as accountability groups (which can be helpful)band together to condemn or chastise those with different thoughts towards God and His redeeming Grace and how it plays out personally in their own experiences. Here is the thought process that some of the "churchy" have and don't even realize it. I say this with a fair amount of experience because I thought the same way and had this ingrained in from youth. It goes like this: You have to believe in hell to be saved. Now at the offset I would never admit that, but ultimately believing in hell became a crucial part of Salvation somewhere in the past dark ages. If you tell a "Fundee" that you Love Jesus but do not believe in a hell, their hair starts to stand on end. The church lady comes out and they purse their lips with disdain and disbelief that you have anything to do with Jesus. It is really sad, they have added to the plan of salvation additional performance measures and thought processes to get in the club. Are you in or out of the club? Do you want to be in if the requirement is something more than God intended? PDR

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